Power Plants
This layer shows the location of eletricty gernerating power-plants in the U.S., the total capacity of each plant, and the primary fuel source.
This layer shows the location of eletricty gernerating power-plants in the U.S., the total capacity of each plant, and the primary fuel source.
This layer displays the FEMA National Risk Index score, rating and national and state percentiles for each county and Census tract. These are measures of risks U.S. communities are exposed to for 18 natural hazards. Data was obtained from the … Continued
Layer displays the modelled cancer risk associated with air toxics exposure. Figures represents the liklihood of hazardous exposure per 1 million population.
Layer displays the modelled non-cancer risk associated with air toxics exposure. A hazard index (HI) of 1 or lower means air toxics are unlikely to cause adverse noncancer health effects over a lifetime of exposure.
This layer displays the number and percentage of fatal vehicle crashes involving alcohol occurring between 2015 and 2019. Data are aggregated by county of occurrance.
This layer displays the number and rate of fatalities from motor vehicle crashes occurring between 2017 and 2021, aggregated by county. Unlike typical mortality data, this data layer represents the location of the fatal crash, and not the county of … Continued
This layer displays the location or intersection of fatal crashes occurring in 2021. This layer can be toggled to view fatal crashes involving a drunk driver, and crashes with pedestrian fatalities.
Map layers from the 2021 Business Dynamics Statistics database are now available! This Census Bureau dataset contains information on establishment and employment changes between 2020 and 2021. The linked map layer displays the rate of change for total business establishments … Continued
Click the map link to view estimates from the 2018-22 American Community Survey (ACS). Data are available for counties, ZIP Codes, and other geographic areas. Search the Map Room for the terms 2022 ACS to view additional data layers from … Continued
This layer displays the total number and rate of chlamydia infections diagnosed during the year 2021. Data are from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) Sexually Transmitted Diseases Surveillance System (STDSS).