Drug Overdose Death by County and Census Tract, 2023-24

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This layer displays timeley information on the estimated overdose mortality rate for counties and census tracts using provisional and final death data. Some census tracts are grouped to protect data privacy. Rates are modelled for areas with greater than 0 … Continued

Suicide Mortality by County and Census Tract, 2023-24

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This layer displays timeley information on the estimated suicide mortality rate for counties and census tracts using provisional and final death data. Some census tracts are grouped to protect data privacy. Rates are modelled for areas with greater than 0 … Continued

Homicide Mortality by County and Census Tract, 2023-24

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This layer displays timeley information on the estimated homicide mortality rate for counties and census tracts using provisional and final death data. Some census tracts are grouped to protect data privacy. Rates are modelled for areas with greater than 0 … Continued

Firearm Mortality by County and Census Tract, 2023-24

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This layer displays timeley information on the estimated firearm-related mortality rate for counties and census tracts using provisional and final death data. Some census tracts are grouped to protect data privacy. Rates are modelled for areas with greater than 0 … Continued

Dominant Language Spoken at Home

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This layer displays the predominant language spoken at home (excluding English) for towns and counties in the United States. Data are from the 2018-22 American Community Survey.

Avian Flu Outbreaks

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This layer displays the number of outbreaks of avian flu and the affected flock size by county since 2022. Data is updated weekly.

Vizient Vulnerability Index, 2020

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This layer shows the overall vulnerability index along with nine domains of social needs for each census tract and ZIP code across the United States. Neighborhoods with scores greater than 1 are identified as areas of “high vulnerability,” meaning they … Continued