Locations of SNAP-Authorized Retailers

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This layer displays the locations of SNAP authorized retailers across the US. Data has been updated to reflect stores accepting SNAP as of August, 2020.

Access to SNAP-Authorized Retailers – Rate

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This layer displays the number and rate of SNAP-authorized retailers in each census tract and county. Locations of retailers are based on the August, 2020 USDA directory of SNAP-authorized retailers.

Household Income of In-Migrants, 2017-2018

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This layer displays the adjusted gross income of in-migrants of United States counties between 2017-2018. This is calculated by dividing the total adjusted gross income of the county by the total number of in-migrants. Income values are based on federal … Continued

Household Income of Out-Migrants, 2017-2018

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This layer displays the adjusted gross income of out-migrants of United States counties between 2017-2018. This is calculated by dividing the total adjusted gross income of the county by the total number of out-migrants. Income values are based on federal … Continued

Cancer Mortality for 2014-18 by County

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This layer displays cancer mortality rates from the CDC’s National Vital Statistics System – Mortality database. Data are 5-year aggregates for 2014-18 and grouped by ICD-10 codes.

Opioid Overdose Mortality for 2014-18 by County

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This layer displays opioid overdose mortality rates from the CDC’s National Vital Statistics System – Multiple Cause of Death database. Data are 5-year aggregates for 2014-18 and grouped by ICD-10 codes.