Locations of SNAP-Authorized Retailers
This layer displays the locations of SNAP authorized retailers across the US. Data has been updated to reflect stores accepting SNAP as of August, 2020.
This layer displays the locations of SNAP authorized retailers across the US. Data has been updated to reflect stores accepting SNAP as of August, 2020.
This layer displays the number and rate of SNAP-authorized retailers in each census tract and county. Locations of retailers are based on the August, 2020 USDA directory of SNAP-authorized retailers.
This layer displays the population change caused by in-migration for United States counties between 2017 and 2018.
This layer displays the population change caused by out-migration for United States counties between 2017 and 2018.
This layer displays the adjusted gross income of in-migrants of United States counties between 2017-2018. This is calculated by dividing the total adjusted gross income of the county by the total number of in-migrants. Income values are based on federal … Continued
This layer displays the adjusted gross income of out-migrants of United States counties between 2017-2018. This is calculated by dividing the total adjusted gross income of the county by the total number of out-migrants. Income values are based on federal … Continued
This layer displays cancer mortality rates from the CDC’s National Vital Statistics System – Mortality database. Data are 5-year aggregates for 2014-18 and grouped by ICD-10 codes.
This layer displays ischemic heart disease mortality rates from the CDC’s National Vital Statistics System – Mortality database. Data are 5-year aggregates for 2014-18 and grouped by ICD-10 codes.
This layer displays opioid overdose mortality rates from the CDC’s National Vital Statistics System – Multiple Cause of Death database. Data are 5-year aggregates for 2014-18 and grouped by ICD-10 codes.
This layer displays influenza and pneumonia mortality rates from the CDC’s National Vital Statistics System – Mortality database. Data are 5-year aggregates for 2014-18 and grouped by ICD-10 codes.