Internet Usage at Broadband Speeds

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This layer displays the percent of people who use the internet at broadband speeds (Greater than 25 MBPS download speed). Data is derived from the Microsoft data science and analytics team, using anonymized user data and aggregated to the county … Continued

Gross Domestic Product

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This layer displays the Gross Domestic Product (GDP) produced within each U.S. county and the percent change in GDP from the previous year. GDP is the monetary value of all the goods and service produced within a county and is … Continued

Tree Canopy Areas

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This layer shows the percentage of land area covered by tree canopy based on data from the 2016 The National Land Cover Database (NLCD) Percent Tree Canopy Collection. The NLCD tree canopy imagery is a product of the U.S. Forest … Continued

Providers of Service

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This layer displays the point locations of all providers of service (POS) in the U.S. The POS database contains the addresses and characteristics of all health care providers, including hospitals, skilled nursing facilities, rural health clinics, and more.

Number of Farms

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This layer displays the number of farms in each state and county.

Average Farm Income

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This layer displays the average farm income in each state and county.

Watershed Boundary Dataset, 12-Digit Hydrologic Units

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The 12-Digit Hydrologic Units, a component of the Watershed Boundary Dataset (WBD), depict the sixth level hydrologic subdivision of the United States. A hydrologic unit can accept surface water from upstream drainage areas and may define a drainage area with … Continued

FEMA Flood Hazard Zones

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The Flood Hazard Zones are extracted from the National Flood Hazard Layer, which is a database that contains FEMA’s flood hazard map data. The database contains flood hazard information and supporting data used to develop the information. The primary flood … Continued

Location Affordability Index for Family at AMI

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This layer displays the estimated percentage of household income for housing and transportation for a family earning the Area Median Income (AMI). The expected values for housing and transportation are modelled by HUD using data from the US Census Bureau … Continued

Location Affordability Index for Family Below AMI

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This layer displays the estimated monthly cost for housing and transportation for a low-income, single-parent family (earning 50% of the Area Median Income). The values for housing and transportation are modelled by HUD using data from the US Census Bureau … Continued