Household Income, White Male

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This layer displays household income figures as compiled by Opportunity Insights at Harvard University. Data is available at the county, tract, and communing zone level.

Incarceration Rate, Black Male

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This layer displays incarceration rate figures as compiled by Opportunity Insights at Harvard University. Data is available at the county, tract, and communing zone level.

National Wetlands Inventory (NWI), 2018

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The National Wetlands Inventory (NWI) provides detailed information on the characteristics and distribution of wetlands in the United States. This update incorporates many changes, including the representation of wetland areas for intermittent streams.

Incarceration Rate, Hispanic Female

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This layer displays incarceration rate figures as compiled by Opportunity Insights at Harvard University. Data is available at the county, tract, and communing zone level.

Locations of Addiction/Substance Abuse Providers

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This layer displays the locations of all addiction or substance abuse providers with a CMS National Provider Identifier (NPI). Addiction or substance abuse providers include MDs, DOs, and other credentialed professionals specializing substance abuse treatment, rehabilitation, addiction medicine, or providing … Continued

Locations of Primary Care Physicians

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This layer displays the locations of all primary care physicians with a CMS National Provider Identifier (NPI). Primary care physicians are those MDs or DOs specializing in family practice, general practice, pediatric medicine, or internal medicine. Data are from the … Continued