Location Affordability Index for Family Below AMI

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This layer displays the estimated monthly cost for housing and transportation for a low-income, single-parent family (earning 50% of the Area Median Income). The values for housing and transportation are modelled by HUD using data from the US Census Bureau … Continued

Location Affordability Index for Family at AMI

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This layer displays the estimated percentage of household income for housing and transportation for a family earning the Area Median Income (AMI). The expected values for housing and transportation are modelled by HUD using data from the US Census Bureau … Continued

Location Affordability Index for Family at AMI

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This layer displays the estimated percentage of household income for housing and transportation for a family earning the Area Median Income (AMI). The expected values for housing and transportation are modelled by HUD using data from the US Census Bureau … Continued

Location Affordability Index for Family Below AMI

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This layer displays the estimated monthly cost for housing and transportation for a low-income, single-parent family (earning 50% of the Area Median Income). The values for housing and transportation are modelled by HUD using data from the US Census Bureau … Continued