Household Income, Black Female

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This layer displays household income figures as compiled by Opportunity Insights at Harvard University. Data is available at the county, tract, and communing zone level.

Household Income, Black Male

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This layer displays household income figures as compiled by Opportunity Insights at Harvard University. Data is available at the county, tract, and communing zone level.

Household Income, Hispanic Female

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This layer displays household income figures as compiled by Opportunity Insights at Harvard University. Data is available at the county, tract, and communing zone level.

New 2014-18 American Community Survey Data Layers Are Here!

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Click the map link to view the poverty rate from the 2014-18 American Community Survey (ACS) for counties, ZIP Codes, and other geographic areas. Check out other 2014-18 ACS updates by searching the Map Room for the terms 2018 ACS.