Adult Obesity by County, 2016

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Layer displays the estimated percentage of adults who are in obese across all counties in the United States. These figures are multi-year modelled estimates based on survey data from the CDC Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System.

COVID-19 Cases

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This layer displays information about confirmed cases for the novel coronavirus COVID-19 in US counties. Case counts are updated daily from a feature service provided by Johns Hopkins University. Rates are calculated by CARES using 2018 population totals.

COVID-19 Deaths

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This layer displays information about deaths attributed to the novel coronavirus COVID-19 in US counties. Case counts are updated daily from a feature service provided by Johns Hopkins University. Rates are calculated by CARES using 2018 population totals.

Heart Disease Hospitalizations by County, 2015-17

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This layer displays the rate hospitalization for patients with an initial hospital admission for coronary heart disease. Data are reported at the county level 2015-17 three-year period. Data are obtained from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) Interactive … Continued

Stroke Hospitalizations by County, 2015-17

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This layer displays the rate hospitalization for patients with an initial hospital admission for ischemic stroke. Data are reported at the county level 2015-17 three-year period. Data are obtained from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) Interactive Atlas … Continued

Adult Obesity by County, 2017

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This updated layer displays the estimated percentage of adults who are in obese by county. These figures are multi-year modelled estimates based on survey data from the CDC Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System.

Correction made to service area age-adjusted rates for the Asian population for all mortality indicators sourced from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) National Vital Statistics System (NVSS) database.

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An error in the queries controlling age-adjusted rates for the Asian population was identified in the database on February 13th, 2013. The errors have been corrected; rates for the total population and for other racial / ethnic groups are unchanged … Continued

Adult Obesity by County, 2012

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Layer displays the estimated percentage of adults who are obese across all counties in the United States. These figures are multi-year modelled estimates based on survey data from the CDC Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System.